The opinions expressed herein are the guest's
alone. If you have questions about your health, you should consult
your personal physician. This event is meant for informational
purposes only.
Q: The last time the nation seriously
considered the threat of a nuclear explosion, the advice was to
"duck and cover." Today we realize how silly that advice was, but is
there anything the average person can do to prepare for the
aftermath of a nuclear explosion or accident, if lucky enough to
Edwin Lyman: When we look at "duck and cover"
it seems silly today in the context of an all-out nuclear war
between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. There was no protection in
the case of such a war. But if we are talking about the possibility
of a terrorist with a small number of nuclear weapons, it does make
sense to ask the question, "Are there ways in which individuals can
reduce their risk of injury in the event of a terrorist nuclear
The first question that is often asked is about
potassium iodide -- is it something that individuals should
stockpile? Potassium iodide can block the uptake of radioactive
iodine, an isotope that would be released in great quantity if a
nuclear power plant were to have an accident or if a nuclear bomb
were to be detonated. It is my judgment that it would be useful for
individuals in the vicinity of nuclear power plants to have ready
access to potassium iodide in the event of an attack on a nuclear
plant, however, the limitations of potassium iodide need to be
The evidence now is that it would be most effective
only for people under the age of twenty or for pregnant
women. For adults it is less clear whether potassium iodide would be
a significant factor in preventing thyroid cancer, but obviously for
children it could be an important measure. This said, one has to
realize that radioactive iodine is only one element of an enormous
soup of different radioactive elements that would be released in a
nuclear terrorism incident. And potassium iodide can provide only
limited protection.
Q: Where do we obtain potassium iodide, and in
what form does it come? In a pill, a shot, a liquid?
Edwin Lyman: After opposing the requirement to
stockpile potassium iodide near nuclear plants, the nuclear
regulatory commission has recently changed its position and has
delegated the authority to state governments to make that decision.
I am unaware that any state government has made that decision, but
if that were the case, then people within the emergency planning
zones around nuclear plants would be able to obtain it from
emergency responders.
It is also being sold over the Internet and I have
seen a lot of false and misleading claims about what it can do, so
people should be aware that there are cons out there with potassium
iodide sales.
Again, I don't think it is necessary at this point for
people to obtain it unless in they are within 10 miles of a nuclear
plant. The form is a tablet, I believe, and it should be noted that
it does have side effects. There are some sad stories in the
aftermath of the Chernobyl incident. Local governments attempted to
distribute potassium iodide tablets but were short of supply, so
individuals went to pharmacies and bought it in liquid form and fed
it to their children and it caused injury to the children. So it
should be recognized that it is a drug and it has side effects and
people should not take it or give it to children in the absence of a
true emergency.
Q: What long-term health effects could people
expect who were exposed but didn't perish?
Edwin Lyman: The primary health effect from
ionizing radiation is cancer. The type of cancer depends on the
nature of the exposure. But fundamentally, ionizing radiation can
damage the DNA in our cells, and this causes lesions that can affect
the cell division process and ultimately lead to cancer.
Besides thyroid cancer, which we have discussed,
leukemia is a very well-established consequence of radiation
overexposure as well as cancer of the lungs, breast, and brain. The
only cancer that is not linked to ionizing radiation exposure is one
of the chronic leukemias -- CLL.
It is also interesting that the study of the victims
at Hiroshima and Nagasaki is now revealing higher death rates than
expected from diseases other than cancer, including cardiovascular
and respiratory diseases. And, in fact, the full array and
consequence of radiation exposures are still not entirely known.
There are also neurological effects of radiation, especially for the
developing fetus, and mental retardation has been observed in
higher-than-expected rates among children who were exposed in utero
in Japan.
Q: What are the first physical signs of
radiation exposure? Could we see a radiation cloud, or is it
Edwin Lyman: Again, it probably makes sense to
go over a few basics here. There are two distinct classes of effects
of radiation exposure. There are effects in which very high doses
cause acute symptoms within hours to days of exposure. These
symptoms commonly include skin burns, gastrointestinal symptoms,
reduced white blood cell counts, and increased susceptibility to
infection, hair loss, and similar acute symptoms. There is a range
in very high radiation doses where it is unlikely someone would
survive, even with heroic measures.
At lower doses the acute radiation syndrome can
spontaneously resolve. However, at doses below the threshold for
acute effects there will be no visible symptoms although the damage
to DNA that could lead to later cancers will have been done. In that
case, tests may show chromosomal damage and can help to calibrate
In response to what radiation looks like -- it is well
known that radiation is invisible and to detect elevated radiation
levels in the environment requires instrumentation. However, that
said, we can think of particular ways exposures might occur.
If a nuclear weapon were detonated there is a
tell-tale flash followed by a shock wave blast; the bomb, if
detonated near the ground, would cause a crater, and material and
earth within the crater would be sucked up as fallout and then
distributed over a wide area. This would be visible ash and would be
extremely radioactive, so one of the first measures that could be
taken for individuals surviving the initial blast would be to avoid
contact with visible fallout. However, this would not ensure a lack
of exposure because there are other components that would not be
In the case of a nuclear power plant accident, there
may be some debris, but I don't believe the radioactive plume would
be visible downwind of the site; if the plant were on fire there
would be smoke visible, once dissipated there would be no way to
detect this visually.
Member Question: What are the levels of
radiation risk at 10 miles, 100 miles, 100,000 miles from ground
zero? How far can the radiation travel? Is that based solely on wind
Edwin Lyman: Well, again one should distinguish
between a nuclear weapon attack and an attack on a nuclear plant.
For a nuclear power plant accident, the acute effects
I described -- acute radiation sickness with a high chance of death
-- would be limited to within 10 miles or less of the accident. This
is partly the basis for the choice of 10 miles as the size of the
emergency planning for U.S. plants. However, the plume would be
carried by the wind and depending on atmospheric conditions could
contaminate a large area and even hundreds of miles downwind there
would be some significant contamination. This was seen after the
Chernobyl accident, where large sections of Northern Europe did
receive significant contamination and the aftermath was detectable
all around the northern hemisphere.
The range of effects from a nuclear weapon is very
strongly dependent on its yield and whether it was detonated on the
ground or at some height above the ground. If we take the example of
a terrorist crude nuclear device, let's say one-tenth or
one-fifteenth of the Hiroshima yield (which would be about a 1,000
tons of TNT equivalent), the blast affects would be fairly limited
in range, probably to less than one mile.
The direct radiation effects would be felt
considerably farther and fallout would travel hundreds of miles, and
that would be directly related to atmospheric conditions and wind
direction. So, the extent does depend on a lot of factors, but the
ultimate effect could be felt tens or hundreds of miles away.
However, the farther one is from the site of detonation, the more
time there is to take countermeasures.
Member question: What kind of countermeasures?
Edwin Lyman: Well, this takes us back to "duck
and cover." If there were a nuclear explosion of relatively small
yield, such as I described above, people who are maybe tens of miles
away would have something like a half an hour to shelter themselves.
And such action could potentially mean the difference between life
and death. Actions as simple as taking cover in a basement or
reinforced concrete structure away from windows could potentially
reduce radiation exposure. But fallout even at large distances would
persist and people may have to remain in those locations for days or
even weeks.
Does this mean that the U.S. should reactivate a
system of fallout shelters? I don't know. I hope the office of
Homeland Security is addressing this issue in the context that I
described -- that is, in the event of a small number of terrorist
weapons. I still do not believe that civil defense is an appropriate
response to an all-out nuclear war, but hopefully the threat of that
kind of an exchange has been greatly reduced and will continue to
Member question: How real is this threat of
nuclear terrorism in our current situation?
Edwin Lyman: You cannot assess whether the
threat is a real one without access to intelligence, but what one
can do is point to vulnerabilities that do exist today and ask is it
plausible that these vulnerabilities could be exploited?
We know that Osama bin Laden has stated he has nuclear
weapons. There is skepticism on the part of the U.S. government, but
not outright denial. And the fact is that there are large amounts of
nuclear-weapon capable materials that are poorly secured, and
inventories are not well established. This is largely the case in
the former Soviet Union. So it is difficult to exclude the
possibility that determined terrorists have been able to obtain
nuclear material.
However, that leaves the challenges of assembling a
workable nuclear device and delivering it.
It is believed that a crude nuclear device is within
the capabilities of terrorists. Such a device, if it has a low
yield, would be more of a threat from the radiation exposure than
from the actual blast. In the case of a nuclear reactor, there are
plausible ways in which a group of determined terrorists could
attack a plant and cause a massive release of radiation. Nuclear
plants in the U.S. are required to have security forces and other
physical protection measures. But the sad truth is that the existing
requirements are not likely to be adequate to prevent a determined
attack by a large number of attackers. The issue of an aerial threat
to a nuclear plant as we saw on Sept. 11 still remains a real
Q: Do you have any final comments for us?
Edwin Lyman: I certainly don't want people to
panic. And I don't think there is any need to rush out and buy
potassium iodide. But I think the public needs to be aware of the
issues, especially nuclear power plant security. I would hope that
people who live in the area of nuclear plants would take a critical
look at the level of security that is being applied and pressure the
authorities to increase that security. This can't be left up to the
The opinions expressed herein are the guest's
alone. If you have questions about your health, you should consult
your personal physician. This event is meant for informational
purposes only.