To the Editor: Re “Restraints Fray and Risks Grow as Nuclear Club Gains
Members” (front page, Oct. 15): Former Senator Sam Nunn, in assessing the
spread of the bomb, is wrong when he declares, “We are in a race between
cooperation and catastrophe.” The sad truth, based on the many failures of the
Eisenhower program Atoms for Peace, is that cooperation is catastrophe. An
expert panel warned President Harry S. Truman that peaceful atomic cooperation
offered “no prospect of security against atomic warfare,” but President Dwight
D. Eisenhower proceeded anyway. Underpinning Atoms for Peace is the flawed notion that
nuclear cooperation among countries can proceed on the assumption that
“safeguards” imposed by the International Atomic Energy Agency will ensure that
weapons-usable nuclear technology and fissile materials will be used for
civilian applications exclusively. The epitaph of our civilization may be,
“folly from the start, fatal at the end.” To avoid that epitaph, we don’t need more “cooperation”
and surely not international nuclear fuel centers that spread technical
know-how as well as fuel. What’s needed is a new toughness toward those who do
proliferate, or who want to. Rewarding Paul Leventhal |