NCI Staff and Consultants

Sharon Tanzer is the Institute's vice president and a member of the Board of Directors. She was co-editor of Averting a Nuclear Arms Race in Latin America (Macmillan, 1991), the proceedings of the Institute's 1989 Montevideo conference. She was rapporteur and editor of the Tritium Factor, (Nuclear Control Institute/American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1989), the proceedings of a 1988 nuclear arms control workshop co-sponsored by NCI and the Academy. She was also project coordinator for the Institute's International Task Force on Prevention of Nuclear Terrorism. She has organized and participated in the Institute's meetings and briefings on nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism issues in Europe, India, Japan, and Latin America.

Ms. Tanzer received her Bachelor of Arts degree in history, cum laude, from Barnard College in 1962. She spent the following year as a Fulbright Fellow at the University of Bordeaux, France, and then earned a master's degree in European history from Stanford University in 1964.

Her responsibilities include the Institute's initiatives in Germany and on EURATOM and matters relating to the transport of nuclear materials and nuclear waste.

Tom Clements is the Institute's executive director.  Mr. Clements joined NCI in February 1999, and is responsible for day-to-day management of the Institute's activities, reporting directly to Mr. Leventhal.  Mr. Clements was a senior nuclear campaigner at Greenpeace International and played a key role in that organization's opposition to commercial uses of plutonium, bomb-grade uranium and weapons-related nuclear technology since 1989. 

An eighth-generation Georgian, Mr. Clements holds bachelors and masters degrees from Emory University and the University of Georgia, respectively.  Prior to joining Greenpeace, he worked as a policy analyst in the U.S. Forest Service and as an inspector in the Office of Surface Mining for the U.S. Department of the Interior.  He also helped to found and to direct a number of safe-energy and arms-control organizations in Georgia.

Steven Dolley is the Institute's research director. He joined the Institute staff in June 1991. From 1988 to 1991 he was an Instructor in communications and debate at Bates College and the University of Vermont, where his principal focus was on arms control issues. Mr. Dolley is a 1984 honors graduate of Bates College and pursued a masters degree in communications at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has published articles in the Journal of the American Forensic Association.

Mr. Dolley is co-author with Paul Leventhal of the Institute's report, "A Japanese Strategic Uranium Reserve: A Safe and Economic Alternative to Plutonium," which was published in Science and Global Security. As the Institute's research director, Mr. Dolley responds to a wide range of inquiries about nuclear programs in Europe and Japan. He also monitors U.S. government programs relating to plutonium disposition, and interacts with grassroots organizations and the Executive Branch concerning them. He also authors and co-authors the Institute's issue briefs and background papers on such subjects as Iraq's nuclear weapons program and the North Korean nuclear crisis.

Edwin Lyman joined the Institute's staff in July 1995 as scientific director. He earned a doctorate in theoretical physics from Cornell University in 1992, where he was an A.D. White Scholar, and was a postdoctoral research associate at Princeton University's Center for Energy and Environmental Studies from 1992 to 1995.  His research focuses on security and environmental issues associated with the management of nuclear materials.   He has published numerous articles in journals including The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and Science and Global Security.  He is an active member of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management.  From 1997-1998, he participated in the Processing Needs Assessment conducted by the Department of Energy's Nuclear Material Stabilization Task Group.

Alan Kuperman is a senior policy analyst for the Institute, and has focused on the U.S. program to eliminate use of highly enriched uranium fuel in research reactors. Previously, he was legislative director for Congressman Charles Schumer and administrative assistant to Congressman James Scheuer. In 1987, as the Institute's issues director, he co-authored an NCI report that disclosed plans to proceed with air shipment of plutonium to Japan in the absence of a crashproof shipment cask. He is a graduate of Harvard College, and is currently a fellow at the Brookings Institution.

Mr. Kuperman will continue his efforts on behalf of the U.S. reduced enrichment program, in the U.S. and Germany.

Eldon V.C. Greenberg advises the Institute on legal matters relating to U.S. nuclear non-proliferation law. He is a partner in the law firm of Garvey Schubert & Barer. He has served as general counsel for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, deputy general counsel for the Agency for International Development, and staff attorney for the Center for Law and Social Policy.

Mr. Greenberg's legal analysis of the U.S. nuclear cooperation agreement with Japan provided the basis for challenges of the agreement by both foreign affairs committees in Congress and by the Institute and resulted in "clarifications" of the agreement by the Administration with respect to U.S. rights and obligations under the Treaty. Mr. Greenberg also advises the Institute on nuclear export law and regulations. He has intervened successfully on behalf of the Institute in a number of proceedings before the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

The analyses by Mr. Greenberg of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the U.S.-EURATOM agreement have laid the groundwork for the Institute's initiatives on these matters. He will continue to play a key role in these and other legal aspects of the Institute's program.

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