24, 2000
I am writing on behalf of the Nuclear Control Institute, a nuclear
non-proliferation research and advocacy center, regarding an important shareholder
resolution that will appear on the proxy ballot for Duke Energys annual meeting on
April 20. (A copy of the resolution is
enclosed.) Because you manage a portfolio
that includes a large block of Duke Energy shares, we wanted to inform you about
Dukes so-called mixed-oxide (MOX) plutonium fuel program,
which poses a threat to the future financial position of the company, raises safety and
security risks for its customers, and undermines global efforts to eliminate civilian use
of weapons-grade nuclear materials.
In 1998, Duke-Cogema-Stone & Webster, a consortium that includes two Duke
Energy affiliates (Duke Power and Duke Engineering and Services), signed a contract with
the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to fabricate plutonium recovered from dismantled
nuclear warheads into MOX fuel for use in four Duke nuclear power plants. Plutonium is both a nuclear explosive and a
radioactive poison, requiring extraordinary security and safety measures.
A resolution opposing the MOX fuel program was tabled at Dukes 1999 annual
meeting by Mr. Robert Mills and other Duke shareholders.
The initiative received 7.7 percent of the vote, enough to qualify a similar
initiative for consideration at the shareholders meeting this year. Duke engaged in legal maneuvers to keep Mr.
Mills new resolution off the 2000 proxy ballot, but the Securities and Exchange
Commission rejected these efforts. The SEC
required Duke to include the anti-MOX resolution as Shareholder Proposal 4: Use of
Mixed Oxide Fuel in Nuclear Reactors on the proxy for its 2000 annual meeting,
scheduled for April 20 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Please take a moment to read the enclosed fact sheet we have prepared on
Dukes ill-conceived MOX fuel plan. Duke
Energy is jeopardizing the future viability and economic competitiveness of its
nuclear-power program in exchange for doubtful future savings amounting to only a small
fraction of its nuclear-fuel costs. Because
of the financial, safety and security risks explained in our fact sheet, use of
plutonium-MOX fuel is an imprudent risk that Duke shareholders should not allow the
company to undertake on their behalf.
We hope you will vote YES in support of the anti-MOX initiative on your Duke Energy
proxy ballot. Please contact Steven Dolley,
NCI research director (phone 202-822-8444; e-mail if you have any
questions or need more information. We would
also welcome the opportunity to brief you directly on Dukes MOX program. Thank you for considering this important issue.
Paul Leventhal
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