International Federation of Air Line Pilots Associations
Chertsey, Surrey, England11 July 1996
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your letter dated 17th June addressed to Captain Bakker. Please note that Captain Bakker has now retired and has been replaced by Captain Rob McInnis.
Your concerns have been raised at the various meetings of the IAEA and the membership of TRANSSAC have now agreed on the final draft of Safety Series 6.
IFALPA continues to be represented at major international organisation's such as ICAO and the IAEA. Through this representation we will continue to pursue our goals of achieving an increased awareness of specific issues and improving the levels of safety in aviation at an international level.
The information contained in your correspondence has been reviewed by our technical pilot representatives. Any further action in this respect on the part of the Federation will be made by these representatives.
In closing I would like to assure you, as always, that we remain a non-political organisation dedicated only to the promotion of air safety in the interests of all who use the air transport industry.
Yours faithfully,
Captain Larry Fallis
Chairman IFALPA DG Committee
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