WASHINGTONMay 29, 1998 Dear Mr. Dolley:
Thank you for your letter to Mr. Berger regarding the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report on Iraq's nuclear weapons program. I am responding on his behalf.
We share your concern that Iraq has not provided the United Nations with a full accounting of its nuclear weapons program. U.S. policy has always been that Iraq must fully disclose all aspects of its nuclear, chemical, biological and missile programs before we will consider transitioning UN and IAEA inspections of any of the four categories to a long-term monitoring regime.
As you know, in May, the IAEA presented the Security Council its six- month report on Iraq's nuclear file. After reviewing the report, the Council President issued a statement acknowledging IAEA' s progress in developing a technically coherent" understanding of Iraq's nuclear program. However, the Council President also underscored the report's finding that serious questions about key aspects of this program remain unanswered.
To date, despite allowing inspectors access to suspect sites, Iraq has chosen not to provide the full and complete truth regarding its nuclear program or any of the other weapons of mass destruction and long-range missile programs. The Security Council has instructed the IAEA to report again in October on any progress in answering these remaining questions.
Again, thank you for writing. We appreciate your advice on this important matter.
Sincerely, (signed)
Donald L. Kerrick
Deputy Assistant to the President
for National Security AffairsMr. Steven Dolley
Research Director
Nuclear Control Institute
1000 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 804
Washington, D.C. 20036
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