WASHINGTON, D.C. 20008Phone: (202) 328-4800
Fax: (202) 667-522715 February 1999
Mr Paul Leventhal
Nuclear Control Institute
1000 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Suite 804
WASHINGTON DC 20036Dear Mr Leventhal
Thank you for your letter dated 5 February 1999 about the planned shipment of mixed oxide fuel (MOX) from Europe to Japan. Many New Zealanders continue to be concerned about shipments of nuclear material, particularly those which come through the Tasman Sea. The Government has made it very clear, both in bilateral contacts and in public statements, that we want such shipments to stay as far away from New Zealand as possible.
As far as the MOX shipment is concerned, there is clearly a need for adequate protection of a cargo which presents a potential proliferation risk, even though the possibility of a terrorist attack is remote. We note that all the countries concerned are members of the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, and that the security provided would have to meet or exceed established international standards.
I understand from information provided by Greenpeace Pacific that the MOX shipment is likely to be delayed for at least a further six months. In any case, and irrespective of the level of security, we hope that, the states concerned will take heed of our clearly expressed preference, and keep these shipments well away from New Zealand.
Yours sincerely
Rt Hon James B Bolger, ONZ
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