Transports of Radioactive Materials by Sea:
Security and Safety Concerns
The Latest
Earlier Shipments
The Death Ship (FUNAM (Argentine environmental NGO) Press Release, January 23, 2001)
Shipment of U.S.-Origin Plutonium Set to Depart France on Eve of Presidential Transition; Highlights Clinton's Troubling Plutonium Legacy (NCI Press Release, January 19, 2001)
Unnecessary Shipment of MOX Fuel Threatens the Well-Being of En Route Countries (Citizens Nuclear Information Center Press Release, January 17, 2001)
Greenpeace Activists Arrested in Sea-Based Protest Against Loading of Japanese Plutonium Fuel (Greenpeace International Press Release, January 19, 2001)
Argentina, Chile Have Legal Right to Force Nuclear Waste Ship Out of Exclusive Economic Zone (NCI Press Release, January 12, 2001)
BREAKING NEWS: Plutonium MOX Fuel Shipment Will Soon Depart France for Japan
Latest Information on December 2000 High-Level Nuclear Waste Shipment to Japan
Court Blocks Nuclear Ship from Argentine Waters (Reuters, January 12, 2001)
El "Pacific Swan," Amenaza Mundial (Statement by the Hon. Jorge E. Illueca, former President of Panama, in Spanish, December 25, 2000)
Largest Ever Nuclear Waste Shipment Departs for Japan; Will Avoid Risky Passage Through Panama Canal (Nuclear Control Institute, December 20, 2000)
Greenpeace Condemns France, UK and Japan as Nuclear Waste Shipment Heads for South American (Greenpeace International, December 20, 2000)
Shipment Alert: 6th Transportation of Japanese High-Level Radioactive Waste to Go Around Cape Horn, South America (Citizens Nuclear Information Center, Tokyo, December 21, 2000)
Japanese Federation of Electric Power Companies, Statement on Shipment's Route, December 20, 2000
Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd. (JNFL) Statement on Shipment, December 18, 2000
Japanese Foreign Ministry Reply to Diet Member's Question on Routing of Future Nuclear Sea Shipments (December 21, 2000)
Joint Statement by the Governments of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay on Japan's High-Level Nuclear Waste Shipment, December 21, 2000
Original statement in Spanish
UnofficialEnglish translation
OfficialPortuguese translation
Nuclear Sea Shipments: An Overview
The Nuclear Control Institute seeks to direct international attention to severe safety and security risks associated with sea shipments of plutonium, and of highly radioactive wastes from plutonium reprocessing, that are now proceeding from Europe to Japan. Click here for full overview
Chronology of Nuclear Sea Shipments
World Map of Plutonium Sea Shipment Routes
(check out countries along the nuclear seapaths)
Status Report on Sea Shipments of Radioactive Material (Nuclear Control Institute, November 6, 2000)
Letter on the Sea Shipment of Radioactive Materials
Tom Clements, NCI Executive Director, to United Nations Missions, April 18, 2000
The Sea Shipment of Radioactive Materials: Safety and Environmental Concerns
Dr. Edwin Lyman, NCI Scientific Director, Presented to the Conference on the Carriage of Ultrahazardous Radioactive Cargo by Sea:
A Critique of Physical Protection Standards for Transport of Irradiated Materials
Dr. Edwin Lyman, NCI Scientific Director, Presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Phoenix, AZ, July 1999
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Nuclear Waste Shipments
Sharon Tanzer, NCI Vice President (updated January 12, 2000)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Plutonium MOX Fuel Shipments
Sharon Tanzer, NCI Vice President, July 13, 1999
The Dangers of Shipping Vitrified High Level Waste: An Update
Dr. Edwin S. Lyman, NCI Scientific Director, January 10, 2000
Understanding Japan's Nuclear Transports: The Plutonium Context
Paul Leventhal and Steven Dolley, Nuclear Control Institute, Presented to the Conference on Carriage of Ultrahazardous Radioactive Cargo by Sea: Implications and Responses, Maritime Institute of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 18, 1999
Leventhal-Dolley Paper, October 18, 1999
NCI Press Release, October 14, 1999
PNTL vessels Pacific Pintail and Pacific Teal at anchor. These ships are used to ship mixed-oxide nuclear fuel ("MOX") and vitrified high-level nuclear waste ("VHLW") from France and Great Britain to Japan. Photo by Martin Forwood, Cumbrians Opposed to a Radioactive Environment [CORE]
Greenpeace protesters board the Pacific Swan, February 6, 1998. Photo by Daniel Beltra, Greenpeace International
Photos: NCI at the Panama Canal
NCI President Paul Leventhal Visits Panama Canal To Review Security Arrangements for Sea Shipments of Ultrahazardous Radioactive Waste, January 13-18, 2000
Panama Steps Up Security for Ship with Atomic Waste
Elizabeth Becker, New York Times, January 15, 2000
NCI to President Clinton: New Analysis of Terrorism Threat to Panama Canal Nuclear Shipments is Needed
NCI Letter to President Bill Clinton, January 13, 2000
International Law Permits Panama to Prohibit Shipments of Ultrahazardous Radioactive Materials Through the Panama Canal
Professor Jon M. Van Dyke, University of Hawai'i Law School, and Eldon V.C. Greenberg, NCI Counsel, January 14, 2000
First Test of Panama's Protection of Nuclear Cargo to be Observed by Nuclear Control Institute
NCI Press Release, January 12, 2000
Sea Shipment of High-Level Nuclear Waste Soon to Reach Panama Canal
Letter from NCI President Paul Leventhal to HE Guillermo Ford, Ambassador of Panama to the United States, January 5, 2000
Inadequate Security for Plutonium MOX Shipment to Japan
Paul Leventhal, NCI President, letter to Secretary of Defense William Cohen, February 11, 1999
Safety Aspects of Unirradiated MOX Fuel Transport
Dr. Edwin Lyman, NCI Scientific Director, paper contributed to the Final Report of the International MOX Assessment, November 1997
Panama Press: Nuestro Canal, Nuestro Riesge
Betty Brannan Jaen, opinion column in La Prensa de Panama, January 26, 2000 (in Spanish)
Environmentalists Concerned About the Upcoming Transit of the Canal by Radioactive Cargo on Pacific Swan
La Prensa de Panama, January 7, 2000 (English translation)
NCI Warns En Route Nations of Dangerous High-Level Waste Sea Shipments
Letter from NCI President Paul Leventhal to Jamaica and other en route nations, December 23, 1999
Plutonium Shipment to Japan is Unlawful and Vulnerable, U.S. and British Government Documents Reveal
NCI-Greenpeace International Press Release, September 30, 1999
Background Paper on Security Arrangements for Japan's Plutonium Shipment
Greenpeace International, September 30, 1999
FSM "President's Statement on the Clandestine Shipment from Europe to Japan"
Statement by Leo A. Falcam, President of the Federated States of Micronesia, September 13, 1999
Japanese Plutonium Off Australian Coast Can Be Used to Make Nuclear Weapons
NCI Press Release, September 2, 1999
Concerns Over Shipment of Nuclear Materials
Statement by the South Pacific Forum Secretariat, July 23, 1999
Open Letter to Prime Minister Keizu Obuchi, Government of Japan, Opposing Japan's Plutonium Program and MOX Sea Shipments
Letter from Greenpeace International, NCI, and nine other public-interest organizations to the Prime Minister of Japan,, July 19, 1999
CLICK HERE to view photos of NCI and Greenpeace representatives presenting letter at Japanese Embassy, Washington, DC, July 19, 1999
Statement by Caricom Heads of State on the Shipment of Nuclear Waste through the Caribbean Sea
Statement by Caricom Heads of State, 20th Regular Session, Port-of-Spain, July 16, 1999
First Sea Shipment of Plutonium 'MOX' Fuel Due to Depart from Europe This Week After U.S. Bows to Japan on Weak Security Plan
NCI Press Release, July 13, 1999
Safe Passage? Panama Canal a terrorist's dream come true, say some officials worried about security after U.S. handoff
Todd Robberson, Dallas Morning News, July 4, 1999
NCI, Greenpeace to DOE Secretary Richardson: US Must Review Security of Belgian MOX Shipment Under US-EURATOM Treaty
Letter from NCI and Greenpeace to Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, June 11, 1999
DOE Reply, July 12, 1999
DOD on Security Plan of Radioactive Waste Shipment through Panama Canal
Letter from the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, DOD, to NCI, June 8, 1999 (Response to NCI letter of February 11, 1999)
US Government Approves Transport Plan for First Plutonium "MOX" Fuel Shipment from Europe to Japan
NCI Press Release, May 17, 1999
Declaration of Santo Domingo
Second Summit of Heads of State And/Or Government of the States, Countries, and Territories of the Association of Caribbean States, 16-17 April, 1999
DOE on MOX Shipment Security Plan
Letter from Leonard Spector, director, Office of Arms Control and Nonproliferation, DOE, to NCI, March 24, 1999 (Response to NCI letter of January 21, 1999)
DTRA on MOX Shipment Security Plan
Letter from Defense Threat Reduction Agency to Nuclear Control Institute, March 23, 1999 (Response to NCI letter of February 11, 1999)
Japanese Diet Members Express Concerns About MOX Shipment
Letter from Members of the Japanese Diet to Rep. Benjamin Gilman, March 4, 1999
CARICOM Leaders Condemn Nuclear Shipments through the Caribbean Sea
Statement from the Communique of the Tenth Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government, Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Suriname, 4-5 March, 1999
South Pacific Forum Expresses Concern About Nuclear Sea Shipments
South Pacific Forum Press Statement 1499, March 2, 1999
NCI Warns En Route Nations of Inadequate Security Arrangements for Upcoming MOX Shipment to Japan
NCI Letter to Embassies of 30 En Route Nations, February 5, 1999
House Committee Probes Inadequate Security Plan for Shipment of Weapons-Usable Plutonium Fuel to Japan
NCI Press Release, February 15, 1999
NCI Letter to Secretary of Defense William Cohen, February 11, 1999
Letter from the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, DOD, to NCI, June 8, 1999
U.S. Government Statement on Japanese MOX Shipment
Press Guidance, U.S. Department of State, January 20, 1999
U.K. Government Statement on Japanese MOX Shipment
Johnathan Battle, UK Energy Secretary, January 18, 1999
Japanese Security Plan for Plutonium Shipment is "Grossly Inadequate" and Should be Rejected, NCI warns DOE
NCI Letter to Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, January 21, 1999
NCI Press Release, January 22, 1999
Letter from Leonard Spector, director, Office of Arms Control and Nonproliferation, DOE, to NCI, March 24, 1999
Major Security Breach at Panama Canal Revealed as the Next Nuclear Waste Shipment Looms
NCI-Greenpeace press release, December 22, 1998
NCI-Greenpeace letter to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, November 6, 1998 (Identical letters also sent to Secretaries of Defense and Energy)
Panama Canal Commission Report on 'Pacific Swan' Greenpeace Incident, February 11, 1998
La Prensa Story on Lax Security in Panama Canal During Nuclear Shipment
Betty Brannan, La Prensa, November 18, 1998 (in Spanish)
Falsification of Safety Data Raises New Concerns About Japanese Plutonium
NCI Press Release, October 15, 1998
NCI Finds "Gaping Holes" in Legal Barriers to Environmental Disaster from Nuclear Transports
Nuclear Waste Ship Arrives in Japan Via Panama Canal Despite Strong International Protests
NCI Press Release, March 10, 1998
Nuclear Waste Ship Heading for Japan Poses Threat to Pacific Nations
NCI Press Release, March 2, 1998
Nuclear Waste Shipments in the Caribbean and Panama Canal
Raise Severe Accident, Terrorism and Proliferation Risks
Paul Leventhal, President, NCI, February 9, 1998
CLICK HERE for more information on Greenpeace at the Panama Canal.
CLICK HERE to view photo of Greenpeace protesters boarding a shipment of high-level nuclear waste in the Panama Canal.
Nuclear Control Institute Supports Puerto Rican Lawsuit to Bar Nuclear Waste Ship From U.S. Waters
NCI Asks Panama Canal Commission About Safety, Security Measures for Waste Shipment
NCI Letter to Panama Canal Commission, January 22, 1998
Response from Panama Canal Commission, January 28, 1998
Excerpts from Sandia National Laboratories "Red Team Report"
En Route States Protest Latest Waste Shipment
Statement by OPANAL, February 5, 1998
Statement by Commonwealth Caribbean High Commissioners, January 30, 1998
Statement by the Government of Jamaica, January 23, 1998
Statement by the Government of New Zealand, January 23, 1998
Statement by the Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, January 23, 1998
Statement by the Government of Antigua and Barbuda, January 20, 1998
Statement by the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, January 16, 1998
Statement by the Government of the Dominican Republic, January 2, 1998
Britain, France and Japan Keep Nations in Path of Nuclear Waste Ship in the Dark About Route
NCI Press Release, January 22, 1998
The Most Important Questions and Answers About the Nuclear Waste Shipment
Sharon Tanzer, NCI Vice President, January 21, 1998
Members of Congress Ask President Clinton to Delay Waste Shipment
Letter from five Members of Congress to President Clinton, January 15, 1998
NCI and Greenpeace International Warn of Dangers of First Nuclear Waste Shipment through the Caribbean and Panama Canal
Press Release, January 13, 1998
NCI Letter to En-Route States, December 22, 1997
Safety Aspects of Unirradiated MOX Fuel Transport
Dr. Edwin Lyman, NCI Scientific Director, paper contributed to the Final Report of the International MOX Assessment, November 1997
NCI to UK Government: Halt Dangerous Plutonium Sea Shipments on "Ro-Ro" Ferries
NCI Letter to Gavin Strang, UK Minister for Transport, November 5, 1997
The Sea Transport of Vitrified High-Level Wastes: Unresolved Safety Issues
Report by Edwin Lyman, PhD, scientific director, NCI, submitted to the 40th Session of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee, July 11, 1997
NCI, Greenpeace Warn CARICOM Member States About Impending Sea Shipments of Plutonium Fuel and Nuclear Waste
Press Release, June 24, 1997
Ultra-Hazardous Nuclear Shipments by Sea and the NNPT
NCI Position Paper Prepared for the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NNPT) Preparatory Committee Meeting (PrepComm), United Nations, New York, April 7, 1997
Dodging a Cyclone and Protests, Nuclear Waste Ship Arrives in Japan
NCI Press Release, March 17, 1997
Nations Urged to Demand Secret Route Signal, Deploy Coast Guard, to Track Nuclear Waste Ship
NCI Press Release, January 10, 1997
NCI to Nations in Path of Nuclear Waste Ship: Demand Precise Information on Ship's Course and Deploy Your Coast Guard Cutters
NCI Letter, January 8, 1997
The Sea Transport of Vitrified High-Level Radioactive Wastes: Unresolved Safety and Legal Issues
"No Margin for Error: Transporting of Nuclear Waste Creates Sea of Controversy"
Journal of Commerce, December 19, 1996
Members of Congress from Pacific and Caribbean Call on President to Stop Waste Shipment
Letter from 6 Members of Congress to President Clinton, December 17, 1996
Coastal States Have Legal Right to Use Force to Block Nuclear Waste Ship, New Report Concludes; NCI Calls on Shippers to Transmit Ship's Course with Transponder and on Coastal States to Deploy Their Coast Guard Vessels
NCI Press Release, December 13, 1996
The Legitimacy of Unilateral Actions to Protest the Ocean Shipment of Ultrahazardous Radioactive Materials
Paper by Prof. Jon M. Van Dyke, William S. Richardson School of Law, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, December 1996
The Sea Transport of Vitrified High-Level Radioactive Wastes: Unresolved Safety Issues
Report by Dr. Edwin Lyman, Scientific Director, NCI, December 9, 1996
Open Letter to the Governments of France, Japan and the United States
From Citizens Nuclear Information Center, Nuclear Control Institute, Greenpeace International, and WISE-Paris, December 7, 1996
NCI and Greenpeace Condemn Secret Nuclear Waste Transport
NCI and Greenpeace Press Release, November 28, 1996
International Maritime Organization (IMO) Chief Forwards NCI's Nuclear Waste Transport Proposals for Action
IMO letter, May 16, 1996
The Importation and Storage of High-Level Radioactive Wastes at Japan's Rokkasho-Mura Facility: Safety Concerns
NCI Press Release, April 15, 1996
Report by Dr. Edwin Lyman, Scientific Director, NCI, April 16, 1996
NCI to IMO: Sea Shipment Safety Standards Must Be Tightened
NCI letter to Mr. W.A. O'Neil, Secretary General, International Maritime Organization, urging implementation of NCI Action Plan, April 5, 1996
O'Neil Response, May 16, 1996
"U.N. Maritime Body to Tighten Control on Nuclear Transports"
NCI/Greenpeace press release, March 8, 1996
"Addressing Safety Issues in the Sea Transport of Radioactive Material"
By Dr. Edwin Lyman, presented to the IMO Special Consultative Meeting, March 4-6, 1996, London, England
"Applying the Precautionary Principle to Ocean Shipments of Radioactive Material"
By Professor Jon Van Dyke, presented to the IMO Special Consultative Meeting, March 4-6, 1996, London, England
Dangers of Radioactive Cargoes and Legal Rights of Coastal States to be Aired at International Meeting
NCI press release, February 29, 1996
Members of U.S. Congress Raise Concerns About 1995 High-Level Waste Shipment to Japan
Letter from Rep. Neil Abercrombie and 5 other Representatives to Energy Secretary O'Leary, January 10, 1995
First Sea Shipment of Radioactive Waste Should Be Delayed Because of Safety Problems, Princeton Scientist Warns
NCI Press Release, December 14, 1994
Report by Dr. Edwin Lyman, Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Princeton, December 1994
Safety of Japanese Plutonium Shipments is Not Assured, Experts' Report Reveals
NCI and Greenpeace International Press Release, April 8, 1992
Visit our other special section:
Plutonium Air Shipments
By the speck, plutonium can kill. By the ton, it will be
flown in casks that can't survive a plane crash. Why?