Statement on Plutonium Waste Shipments
Excerpt from a press release issued by OECS
at the 29th meeting of the Authority, held in St. Lucia
15-16 January, 1998The Authority discussed the matter of the continuing shipment of plutonium waste through the Caribbean region.
The Prime Ministers were unanimous in their condemnation of the continuation of this practice which seriously endangers the lives of the people of the region and also fish, other forms of wildlife and the environment and has the potential to fatally affect the social and economic development of the region.
The Heads of Government appealed to the international community to be united in their condemnation of this most dangerous practice. They called on the countries involved in the shipment of plutonium waste through the Caribbean region to stop these shipments forthwith.
Members of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States include Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, and Montserrat. Observers include Anguilla and British Virgin Islands.
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