United States Department of State
Washington, D. C 20520April 27, 1999
Dear Representative [BLANK]:
The Secretary has asked me to reply to your letter of February 12 concerning the transportation plan and security measures associated with the shipment of mixed plutonium/uranium oxide (MOX) reactor fuel from Europe to Japan.
The Administration has carried out a series of briefings in recent weeks for Members of Congress and congressional staff to provide information to Congress regarding Japan's transportation plan for the MOX shipments. One such briefing was provided for staff of the House International Relations Committee on March 25. Our briefings have focused on the content of the plan and the means for implementing it, the views of the responsible Executive Branch agencies concerning it, the process by which the Executive Branch conducted its evaluation of the plan, and U.S. cooperation and assistance provided to Japan with respect to the plan.
The Department has prepared the enclosed paper concerning the Japanese MOX transportation plan. It addresses in detail the specific points raised in your
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letter, and provides additional information. we hope that this will be helpful to you. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any additional information.
Barbara Larkin
Assistant Secretary
Legislative AffairsEnclosure:
Department of State Paper on
Japan' s MOX Transportation Plan
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