The Government of the Republic of Kiribati is extremely concerned that in spite of pressures from the Pacific island countries against the shipment of vitrified high level nuclear waste from France to Japan, the freighter carrying the high level nuclear waste would still pass through the waters of the south West Pacific. PRESS STATEMENT
At present, the routes of the shipment are unknown but efforts are being directed to monitor these very closely.
The livelihood of the people of Kiribati depends heavily on fish and other marine products and therefore the Kiribati Government strongly objects to any activity that will have any impact that this shipment or any other transboundary movement of wastes might have on its marine environment. The Kiribati Government will make every effort to avoid the shipment from passing through its Exclusive Economic Zones and its territorial waters.
The Kiribati Government calls for concerted efforts on the part of these countries responsible to pay more attention to the wish and desire of Pacific island countries and their peoples for a continued nuclear free and peaceful Pacific.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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