Original Air Shipment Route (~ 13000 km) :
France, Canada, landing in Anchorage, Alaska for refueling, Anchorage to Japan.
(Now Banned)![]()
Russian Air Shipment Route (~ 10000 km):
from France or Britain, across northern Europe, Siberia to Japan
(not yet used).![]()
French Territorial Air Shipment Route (~ 26000 km):
France, French Guyana (for possible refueling), French Polynesia, Japan
(not yet used).![]()
British Territorial Air Shipment Route (~ 18100 km):
Britain, Bermuda or British Virgin Islands (for possible refueling),
British South Pacific Islands, Japan (not yet used).
Britain-Germany (Frankfurt).
Route not used to date.![]()
Britain-Switzerland (Zurich).
Route in regular use.![]()
Britain-Belgium (Dessel).
Route in regular use.![]()
France/Britain - Japan.
Route not used to date.
From France (Cherbourg) and Britain (Carlisle), across northern Europe, Siberia to Japan.
Route not used to date.
All maps are available in Microsoft Word format:
(for quality print-outs)
- World Map of Plutonium Air Shipment Routes file name: pas-wm.zip (file size: 440 kb) - Europe Map of Plutonium Air Shipment Routes file name: pas-em.zip (file size: 280 kb) - Britain/France to Japan trans-Russia map file name: pas-ejm.zip (file size: 175 kb)
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