Nukes (Dr. Edwin Lyman, NCI President,
and Paul Leventhal, NCI President Emeritus, Washington Post,
26, 2002) ..............................................................................
NCI, Groups
to Congress: Eliminate
Support for Reprocessing from Energy Bill
from NCI and 33 Public-Interest Groups to Energy Bill
Conferees, October, 2002) ..............................................................................
NCI Comments on NRC's
Revised Draft EIS for MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant
(Dr. Edwin Lyman, NCI President, Letter to Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, August 30, 2002) ..............................................................................
Safeguards Concerns About
Proposed U.S. Plutonium Fuel Plant (Dr. Edwin
Lyman, NCI President, Presentation at the 43rd
Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials
Management (INMM), Orlando, Florida, June 24,
2002) ..............................................................................
G-8 Nations to Waste Billions
on Russian Plutonium Fuel (NCI Press Release,
June 27,
2002) ..............................................................................
U.S.-Russia Nuclear Agreement
Does Not Eliminate Warheads or Provide for Effective Plutonium
Disposal (NCI Press Release,
May 14, 2002) ..............................................................................
Revised MOX Environmental Impact Statement Is Warranted
(April 26,
2002) Additional required
information for MOX fuel plant is consistent with
what NCI is demanding of DOE, NRC says Federal Register
Notice (PDF
format) ..............................................................................
Officially Abandons Direct Disposal of Military Plutonium
Without Conducting Environmental Review (April 19,
2002) NCI Press Release
DOE Federal Register Notice
format) NCI Condemns DOE Decision
to Ship Plutonium to Savannah River over South
Carolina's Opposition (NCI
Press Release, April 16, 2002) ..............................................................................
Japan Can Construct Nuclear
Weapons Using Its Power Plant Plutonium (April 9)
Opposition leader
Ozawa's statement is technically accurate, politically
dangerous, says NCI News
Articles ..............................................................................
Japan, Nuclear
Weapons and Reactor-Grade Plutonium (March
27) Marvin Miller of MIT tells
NCI seminar that Japanese scientists could use
reactor-grade plutonium to make sophisticated
weapons ..............................................................................
NCI to Energy Secretary Abraham:
Make Sure Disposal of U.S. and Russian Plutonium Proceeds at
Same Pace NCI Press
Release (March 27, 2002)
DOE Reply to NCI
(May 17, 2002) ..............................................................................
NCI Press Release:
DOE Report Reveals
New Plutonium Disposition Hurdles (Feb. 25) ..............................................................................
NCI Memo: The Revised
Plutonium Disposition Strategy: DOEs House Of Cards
(Feb. 22) ..............................................................................
DOE Report to
Congress: Disposition of Surplus
Defense Plutonium at Savannah River Site (Feb. 8; PDF file,
340kb) Plutonium in Your
Neighborhood? DOE is now looking for at least two
more reactors to burn plutonium fuel. ..............................................................................
Intelligence Report (NIC) to
Congress Safety and Security
of Russian Nuclear Facilities & Military Forces
(Feb. 2002) ..............................................................................
NCI letter to Secretary of
Energy Abraham Request for
"Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement" (SEIS) on
Plutonium Disposition (Feb. 8) ..............................................................................
NCI letter to DOE's General
Gordon (NNSA Administrator) Supplemental EIS
Legally Mandated Due to "Substantial Changes" in Plutonium
Disposition Program (March
2002) ..............................................................................
DOE "Supplement
Analysis" on Plutonium Storage in
K-Reactor at the Savannah River Site Reveals Plan for
Indefinite Plutonium Storage in S. Carolina
(Feb. 2002) ..............................................................................
NCI Press
Release U.S. Plan to Use Bomb Plutonium as
Nuclear Fuel Faces Enormous Legal, Economic and Safety
Hurdles (Jan. 23,
U.S. Settles on Plan to Recycle
Plutonium New York Times (Jan. 23, 2002)
DOE Press Release (Jan. 23, 2002) ..............................................................................
Past, Present and
Future Nuclear Engineering
International publishes guest article by NCI President Paul
Leventhal on how civilian plutonium could cause mass
destruction across the nuclear industry and the
world. ..............................................................................
NCI Press
Release Closure of DOE's Fast Flux Test
Facility is a Long-Overdue Death Sentence for U.S. Plutonium
Breeder Reactor Program (Dec. 20, 2001) ..............................................................................
DOE News
Release Department of Energy to
Permanently Deactivate Fast Flux Test Facility Research
Reactor (Dec.
19) ..............................................................................
NCI Press Release:
U.S. MOX Plant Challenge
Accepted by NRC Licensing Board
(Dec. 13) ..............................................................................
NCI Press Release:
DOE Agrees to Conduct Threat
Assessment on Plutonium Fuel (MOX) Shipment from Japan
to BNFL's Sellafield Site
(Nov. 16) ..............................................................................
NCI Press Release:
U.S. Must Assess Security Threat
Before Deciding on Shipment of Plutonium Fuel (MOX) from Japan
to England (Nov.
14) ..............................................................................
NCI Letter: Review of MOX Shipment from
Japan to Great Britain (Oct.
25) ..............................................................................
NCI Letter: A Summit Topic: Russia's
(Paul L. Leventhal, NCI
President, letter to the editor, New York Times Nov.
13) ..............................................................................
Congress Urged To Restore Full
Funding To Dispose Of Surplus Weapons Plutonium As Waste
(August 30,
2001) ..............................................................................
The Future of Immobilization
Under the U.S.-Russian Plutonium Disposition
Agreement (Dr. Edwin Lyman, NCI Scientific
Director, Paper Presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the
Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Indian Wells,
CA, July 18, 2001) ..............................................................................
Japanese Village Sends Loud
Message On Plutonium That Bush and Cheney Would Do Well To
Hear (NCI press release, May 27, 2001) ..............................................................................
Bush Plan for
Nuclear Power and Plutonium Invites Nuclear Accidents and
Proliferation (Statement by Paul Leventhal, NCI
President, May 17, 2001) ..............................................................................
Nuclear Power Means More Risk (Paul Leventhal,
NCI President, op-ed column, New York Times, May 17,
2001) ..............................................................................
Research on Accelerator
Transmutation of Waste and Pyroprocessing is a Colossal Waste
of Taxpayer Money (Dr. Edwin Lyman, NCI
Scientific Director, May 24, 2001) ..............................................................................
Nuclear Control Institute Comments
for Sellafield Mixed-Oxide Fuel Plant (SMP)
Consultation (Steven Dolley, NCI Research
Director, and Paul Leventhal, NCI President, May 23,
2001) ..............................................................................
Nuclear Control Institute Comments
on the Scope and Content
of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission Environmental Impact
Statement for the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication
Facility (Dr.
Edwin Lyman, NCI Scientific Director, May 21,
2000) ..............................................................................
The Future of Nuclear Power: A Public
Interest Perspective (Dr. Edwin Lyman, NCI
Scientific Director, Presentation to the NECPUC Symposium,
Mystic, Connecticut, May 21, 2001) ..............................................................................
"Reprocessing...needs to be looked at" (Excerpt
from NBC "Meet the Press" interview with Vice President Dick
Cheney, May 20, 2001) ..............................................................................
Control Institute Calls on Nuclear Industry to Abandon Use of
Plutonium, Highly Enriched Uranium (NCI Press
Release, April 9, 2001) ..............................................................................
Should Hold Formal Hearings on Duke Cogema Stone Webster
Application for Authorization to Construct a MOX Fuel
Fabrication Facility (Nuclear Control
Institute and Institute for Energy & Environmental
Research, Letter to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
March 9, 2001) ..............................................................................
NCI, NGOs to CNSC: Suspend Plans to
Test Warhead-Plutonium MOX Fuel for CANDU Reactors
(Letter from NCI, BREDL and 19 other public-interest groups
to Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, January 23,
2001) ..............................................................................
Should Hold Formal Hearings on Duke Cogema Stone Webster
Application for Authorization to Construct a MOX Fuel
Fabrication Facility (Nuclear Control
Institute and Institute for Energy & Environmental
Research, Letter to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
March 9, 2001) ..............................................................................
NCI, NGOs to CNSC: Suspend Plans to
Test Warhead-Plutonium MOX Fuel for CANDU Reactors
(Letter from NCI, BREDL and 19 other public-interest groups
to Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, January 23,
IAEA Safeguards
Shortcomings: A Critique Paul Leventhal
(September 12, 1994) ..............................................................................
Safeguards on Plutonium Bulk-Handling Facilities
Effective? (Marvin Miller, MIT, August 1990)